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From universe to multiverse
August 23, 2009
13 11
(guest) - August 28, 2009, 02:51
"introduce a whole new set of facts"
another words, we didn't know crap about it, and we still don't
Slasher (guest) - August 29, 2009, 18:22
Very interesting to listen to. It may sound like religion or philosophy to laymen but there is an important difference. In religion you get a book, usually, that says this and that and then you have to interpret that and live by it. In science the book is always enhanced and rewritten and it is our way to interpret the world.
asf (guest) - August 30, 2009, 11:27
Slasher, I think you are correct but probably making a wrong interpretation of your own words. :) You say science is always changing and we interpret the world through it. That also means that if we use science to interpret our world we are destined to be always wrong.
On the other hand, for example the bible is considered to have been written with the help of god himself. It is more probable that the bible is correct and science is wrong.
Swoo (guest) - August 30, 2009, 19:11
Creationism is bad for you (and for us too).
Slasher (guest) - September 5, 2009, 11:33
@asf, lol
(guest) - September 20, 2009, 07:37
science and the bible are not mutual exclusive, rather the opposite
Swoo (guest) - September 20, 2009, 19:16
@pre, that's exactly what the guy says at the end of the video. You should've watched it completely before voting.
shahnawaz (guest) - September 26, 2009, 10:33
if you had read the holy Quran it said in it 1400 years ago ;I ALLAH {GOD} is the creater of all multiverse and beyond ; which means there is not only one universe there are more.
another words, we didn't know crap about it, and we still don't
On the other hand, for example the bible is considered to have been written with the help of god himself. It is more probable that the bible is correct and science is wrong.
if you had read the holy Quran it said in it 1400 years ago ;I ALLAH {GOD} is the creater of all multiverse and beyond ; which means there is not only one universe there are more.