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Delivery - an animation by Till Nowak

June 15, 2007


(guest)  -  June 15, 2007, 11:16
Thanks for the video goodshorts :)
huey (guest)  -  June 15, 2007, 12:28
They showed this at the horror film festival in san sebastian last year. I thought it was really cool.
(guest)  -  June 15, 2007, 13:47
Very, very good!
crazy (guest)  -  June 15, 2007, 20:07
great! just great!
guest (guest)  -  June 15, 2007, 20:57
d (guest)  -  June 16, 2007, 04:17
that video was gay, musta took awile to generate...but it was still pretty gay
(guest)  -  June 16, 2007, 04:27
Awesome vid :)
Just imagine if someone more violent than this guy would've gotten that little box... Byebye city.
Rdogpink (guest)  -  June 17, 2007, 10:21
something (guest)  -  June 18, 2007, 04:34
Should have scooped up his own house and pulled himself through. Or peed into it.
Patrik (guest)  -  June 19, 2007, 09:03
These animations blow my mind Every time I see them. This one was truly touching and absolutely beautiful.
N + A (guest)  -  June 21, 2007, 16:34
Amaziiiiiing !
imagine (guest)  -  June 22, 2007, 05:14
this is very enlightening, to show the hand of god as our own, we alone have the power to change the world. bravo
swede (guest)  -  July 31, 2007, 11:08
just absolutely stunning, fantastic work
also.swede (guest)  -  August 11, 2007, 01:06
That was fantastic work by Till, (till means 'to' in swedish by the way).
mm (guest)  -  October 29, 2007, 17:14
should be listed as impressive imo
some one (guest)  -  April 7, 2008, 20:24
i have not seen it because of the slwo of (downloading)
dannyboy (guest)  -  June 21, 2008, 17:36
amazing truly amazing must have taken ages
funkyg (guest)  -  June 26, 2008, 14:59
Loved it
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