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Origins of World of Warcraft dance moves
May 25, 2007
37 11
(guest) - May 25, 2007, 01:02
I guess not too many visitors play this game, but it was too well made to leave out :D
(guest) - May 25, 2007, 01:23
Hmm, Some of them seem to be the real inspiration sources for the moves, but some just seem like copy-cats of the ones in the game.
Jace (guest) - May 25, 2007, 05:30
Best, Video, Ever.. .
(guest) - May 25, 2007, 12:32
How about the copyrights? Guess WoW must have spend a lot just to pay these rights..
Great compilation!
Alex (guest) - May 25, 2007, 15:13
I'm surprised how synchronised some of the moves are. Especially the Dreanei , Tunak Tunak Tun and the Blood Elf Britney Spears one, whatever that song is called :P
(guest) - May 25, 2007, 18:56
" eruenion - May 25, 2007, 01:23
Hmm, Some of them seem to be the real inspiration sources for the moves, but some just seem like copy-cats of the ones in the game."
the hell are you on about? These dances are all a hell of a lot older than Wow!
Great vid :)
(guest) - May 25, 2007, 23:28
heh. i don't play wow, but i sooo enjoyed this video :)
Adjile[Maelstrom] (guest) - May 26, 2007, 03:40
Ahaha. This is greatness! Whoever put this vid together is a genius... ^.^
Slasher (guest) - May 26, 2007, 12:59
Never played WoW so didnt get it really. As I understand it all those moves are vanilla in WoW? Why do you have those kind of dance moves in a game? Well, however, it was a nice compilation.
Stauf (guest) - May 26, 2007, 18:03
Laz (guest) - May 27, 2007, 02:01
Finaly someone make the original videos with the dance and songs!
(guest) - May 28, 2007, 19:16
Great! Or: OMG.
juan (guest) - May 29, 2007, 20:16
Niedec (guest) - May 29, 2007, 23:44
lol. This is great. Hats off to the guy who actually took the time to make this. Then again, if you play WoW, you probably already have a lot of time on your hands...
Lolzor (guest) - May 30, 2007, 18:59
Great work. Would love to see the others: human orc and tauren females, trolls, and more moves, and of course, moonkin and bear dances ;)
Ramis (guest) - May 31, 2007, 00:36
What the hell? Can murlocs dance?
MRrghrllrmrgghll! (guest) - May 31, 2007, 12:24
(guest) - June 4, 2007, 00:44
I didn't know that the tree people could either. Although I vaguely remember something involving them at last years lunar festival...
I've never seen a Murloc dance though.
wow-er (guest) - June 6, 2007, 18:09
that is "murkY" is a special murloc pet you can get for attending the first blizcon. not all murlocs dance like that.
johni (guest) - June 25, 2007, 01:46
Haha, best comment:
johni (guest) - June 25, 2007, 01:47
The murloc comment I mean..
asshole (guest) - October 18, 2007, 03:03
You think the mindless wow playing geeks have figured some of the sources out yet? I think not ;)
names are for communists (guest) - November 2, 2007, 21:18
you forgot billy idol and the undead.
Hi (guest) - December 6, 2007, 09:42
Can anyone confirm this being real or not? I mean which ones really came from the real videos here?
(guest) - May 28, 2008, 16:34
i can confirm the alizee one, jackson, disco (the first one) and the peanut butter jelly. those are 100% the real sources.
joci (guest) - June 28, 2008, 12:04
Best, Video, Ever..
Him (guest) - September 30, 2008, 20:47
Agree with Ulf. Seems like "IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME !" is one of them.
Vid made me lol.
Great compilation!
Hmm, Some of them seem to be the real inspiration sources for the moves, but some just seem like copy-cats of the ones in the game."
the hell are you on about? These dances are all a hell of a lot older than Wow!
Great vid :)
I've never seen a Murloc dance though.
Vid made me lol.