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A really upset tortoise

May 16, 2007


(guest)  -  May 16, 2007, 19:07
OMG! It really has some quick attacks!
(guest)  -  May 17, 2007, 01:02
hahaha that was funny
Martin (guest)  -  May 18, 2007, 19:22
Dude, why did they shave the cat?
(guest)  -  May 19, 2007, 18:07
Cruel to both animals. Somebody should have done something.
Martin (guest)  -  May 20, 2007, 17:19
Dude, its nature. No one got hurt.

Unless they actually DID shave the cat..! :o
Duh'G (guest)  -  May 31, 2007, 21:27
The SECOND cat was an Egyptian Mao, the are a nearly hairless breed. Fast damn turtle!
VilxanIsFunctionallyRetarded (guest)  -  August 4, 2007, 05:45
Obviously not dog fighting, douchebag.
Step one: Build bridge
Step two: Use bridge to get over it.
1_2_3 (guest)  -  August 6, 2007, 16:41
I feel I should boot the turtle...
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