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Total eclipse of the heart cover

February 23, 2006


JoG (guest)  -  March 6, 2006, 15:30
Only in Norway!! Hilarious!!
Eman (guest)  -  March 8, 2006, 21:08
Well maybe in Germany too.
Burbas (guest)  -  March 9, 2006, 02:36
I love them :D
Ahmed (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 15:37
Stupid pig! wtf!
Burbas (guest)  -  March 12, 2006, 16:09
I hate them now. :(
Burbas (guest)  -  March 12, 2006, 16:11
I love them :D
polle (guest)  -  March 14, 2006, 11:56
wow cool bass drum
10th Village (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 10:22
simply deliciuos
mar (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 19:54
fan vad skabbig
yhana (guest)  -  March 19, 2006, 15:58
Taparos (guest)  -  March 21, 2006, 17:22
Loaf (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 23:40
The Chewbacca man rules!
Maawhd (guest)  -  March 28, 2006, 16:53
jens (guest)  -  March 30, 2006, 23:32
haha bass kaggen äger! vill se två ju XD
Reidar (guest)  -  April 1, 2006, 18:11
better then Metallica i think....
Sharif does like it (guest)  -  April 5, 2006, 22:44
A real gem. Are those guys from Norway? They must be huge. An elegant performance the "drummer" has his pants down and bangs things. Stil better than most of the crap nowadays.
pre (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 07:45
yeeees white people rock
Equilan (guest)  -  April 21, 2006, 19:14
pure anarchy
norsken (guest)  -  April 22, 2006, 15:27
humor show from norway has nothing to do with white or black people -Or anarchy for that matter.
(guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 17:08
Very cool cover however! Would like to see more of the :)
o_O! (guest)  -  April 28, 2006, 05:29
i would categorize it under "funny" rather than "crazy".
Bayli (guest)  -  May 11, 2006, 22:09
I'd categorize this under "weird" rather than "funny"
Peguy (guest)  -  May 16, 2006, 15:32
UUU (guest)  -  May 16, 2006, 20:14
This is not funny!
frane (guest)  -  May 18, 2006, 15:49
Croat (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 00:27
this is crazy. in croatia we don't have musicians like that! hahahahaha
Roflol (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 09:55
Dette var veldig bra :)
Croat2 (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 10:26
he he this is crazy
Joe (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 11:52
What a fuckoffs! :)) It`s still a hell of alot better than tokyo hotel :)))
u_3pm (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 19:26
Ma ovo je ludnica, trebalo bi biti vise takovih bendova!!
frclopir (guest)  -  May 19, 2006, 19:30
frane tis tubas. these guys rock some serious
kooya (guest)  -  May 20, 2006, 11:06
tko ovo cita, zaboli ga kita
andre (guest)  -  May 21, 2006, 17:03
sik (guest)  -  May 22, 2006, 11:59
čista 5ica
kuzo (guest)  -  May 24, 2006, 13:12
predobro! f. hilarious
nos12345678 (guest)  -  May 24, 2006, 14:46
Dinka.o (guest)  -  May 24, 2006, 15:24
Nidje veze
sthwicked (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 09:47
loooool! this is great!
malena (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 12:52
suza (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 13:51
Kaj su dečki iz Španskog?
zulu (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 21:08
DragonEyes (guest)  -  May 27, 2006, 01:26
Typisk norsk..haha :D
hrvat (guest)  -  May 31, 2006, 11:25
imocanin (guest)  -  June 1, 2006, 23:49
Ignjaz (guest)  -  June 3, 2006, 19:22
Mi Hrvati :)
Peguy (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 17:02
legendarno !!!
NoGard (guest)  -  June 7, 2006, 09:26
Skroz opicheno! baš je dobro!
Stype (guest)  -  June 8, 2006, 00:12
GREDA (guest)  -  June 13, 2006, 14:30
CROarmy (guest)  -  June 14, 2006, 14:44
Norway! :D (guest)  -  June 14, 2006, 21:47
Here in Norway those guys makes much money
by making funny parodies
Norway! :D (guest)  -  June 14, 2006, 21:58
Here in Norway those guys makes much money
by making funny parodies
Baba (guest)  -  June 15, 2006, 08:13
Bravo dečki,svaka čast
(guest)  -  June 19, 2006, 11:54
Yes they are from Norway. And don't worry, they and us Norwegians both know how stupid it might look. But that's what makes it funny. BTW, although some of them are real musicians, they are NOT serious in this clip, it's just for fun
hoho (guest)  -  June 22, 2006, 11:21
al onaj na Å¡krinji je najbolji, treba tak brzo to lupet jebo....
muljatorica (guest)  -  June 22, 2006, 15:13
ajme majko moja.. prejebeno :D
Alky (guest)  -  June 23, 2006, 19:24
Fuck yeaH!!!!!
Nele (guest)  -  June 26, 2006, 10:08
Likovi su prejebeni,pogotovo bubnjar,a i trenirke im nisu loše!
krkata (guest)  -  June 29, 2006, 11:14
Hrvati misle da ih ceo svet razume ako pisu rvacki.

The Croats think that everione understand them if they write croatish
krkata (guest)  -  June 29, 2006, 13:19
Hrvati misle da ih ceo svet razume ako pisu rvacki.

The Croats think that everione understand them if they write croatish
GooseBumps (guest)  -  June 29, 2006, 14:10
hm...I ll invite them to play on my funeral
158 (guest)  -  June 30, 2006, 18:14
ala brale legendarno
domi (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 01:40
ne seri srbendaro,glavno da nas ti razmes.Decki su cool
domi (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 01:56
uostalom,strasan ti "materinji"engleski:EVERIONE
Svensken (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 03:44
Reddox: "And don't worry, they and us Norwegians both know how stupid it might look. But that's what makes it funny." OOOh, so THATS how comedy works?
Debaser (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 13:34
These guys rock. I'm now a fan of Hurra Torpedo!
Moj Prvi Shut (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:29
first league - prva liga . Ej jel ima neko sta sitnog,fali mi za bus? I need some money for the bus? Plz!!!!!!!!
the Man (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:31
very nice video
fuckforfun (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:34
I think that this people are the new kings of junk metal.....
Torcida Matejuska (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:37
Manistra u suvo i marihuana, vino pivo i drugi alkohol. Nama se cini da nismo normalni,nama se cini da nismo normalni... We need this people on the north side of the stadion...
Mamlaz (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:38
I have 2 kuna for you if that can help you ...
Mr GayBoy (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 00:40
I like this boys... mmmmmmmmmmm
Luana Croatia (guest)  -  July 5, 2006, 19:42
Tooooooooooooooo goood! there should me more guys with naked....
Skanking (guest)  -  August 10, 2006, 22:51
Not that funny.. Maybe if they were better musicians
stipe- dugi rat (guest)  -  August 29, 2006, 17:19
ovo je moja najdraza pisma...............
---- (guest)  -  September 2, 2006, 22:53
weird, but funnny:D xD
medo (guest)  -  September 3, 2006, 19:27

odlicni su , lol
(guest)  -  September 5, 2006, 18:59
Go, Lille Lørdag!
michael (guest)  -  October 31, 2006, 17:39
We should get BÃ¥rd and Harald on bestofgooglevideo too, they are the peak of norwegian humor :D go norge!
(guest)  -  December 4, 2006, 10:01
yO (guest)  -  January 23, 2007, 04:36
i win
grunf (guest)  -  February 11, 2007, 20:52
bigy (guest)  -  April 5, 2007, 14:17
Pa ovo je fenomenalno, treba ovo kod nas u 'rvackoj ponovit, mozda ekipa demolira i lokalni birc, u svakom slucaju, i mi cemo im pomoc ... LOL !
(Y) so hard (guest)  -  August 18, 2009, 02:10
not in the commun conscience...
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