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Interactive bar table
June 8, 2006
38 12
mihai (guest) - June 8, 2006, 20:43
Dragoon SHIT (guest) - June 8, 2006, 20:58
me (guest) - June 8, 2006, 23:08
anything to sell more alcohol
sdrawkcab (guest) - June 9, 2006, 00:33
It's like blowing soap bubbles. It's fun :D but pointless :(
Daniel (guest) - June 9, 2006, 00:52
Any idea of how it works? My guess is they put cameras right above the bar, looking down perpendicularly to the bar surface, and sending the videostream to a computer. The default image each camera will send, is a white surface (the bar), and any interfering objects (like a glass) will cause various graphics effects at their respective coordinates. These effects are displayed on LCD screens right under the bar glass.
Again, its just a guess, maybe its a motion tracker sensor somewhere, but I guess it would be too sensitive to the bar environment and also more expensive?
I dont think its pointless, this bar will attract enough customers to pay for the hardware in notime!
Moridin (guest) - June 9, 2006, 03:48
Thats a rather silly way to do it? the barsurface is preasure sensetive, like some screens at airport terminals etc are. It is also able to do minimal lightdisplays which it bases on the preasure. Is my guess anyway, who knows.
... (guest) - June 9, 2006, 03:49
Or maybe not, guess I should see everything before posting, since it got affected by non-touching items.
Goyp (guest) - June 9, 2006, 10:05
cant be pressure sensitive because it lights up sometimes when they dont touch it. probably the camera theory
cz (guest) - June 9, 2006, 10:54
This thing is coming to my resteurant
(guest) - June 9, 2006, 11:28
My guess is projectors instead of LCD (cheaper, and it looks projected), combinated with lightsensors. ;) Anyway, it looks very cool. Would be even nicer with various options, like playing interactive games or watching a show on the bar. Anyone wanna play pong with beerglasses as pads? :P
finland sucker (guest) - June 9, 2006, 11:45
pasol nx pydarai blt bo nx papjausiu debilus
Luxorian (guest) - June 9, 2006, 12:31
It is made with pressure sensors and lightsources under the glass, I know I have been to a similar restaurant/bar, where they had one like that
Rasa (guest) - June 9, 2006, 12:57
Y don't have no idea how it works, but Y know that it is nice
Hash (guest) - June 9, 2006, 13:30
Definitely projectors, you can see the seams. Uber cool though...
Projectors might explain the halo around clear glasses too.
Anon (guest) - June 20, 2006, 02:07
Wonder what would happen if you spilled your drink on that...
... (guest) - June 21, 2006, 00:31
well obviusly its a "movement heat and pressure sensitive plasma screen" and if u spill on it it whodnt happen so much it whod probably just light up under the "liquid" as it does under anything else :P ,
(guest) - June 21, 2006, 23:28
Pretty nice music too.
dominykas (guest) - June 24, 2006, 13:01
jooooooo yes yes cool
kenny (guest) - June 26, 2006, 19:55
man, I want this at home, on every table :)))))
?! (guest) - July 24, 2006, 17:24
what is it for ?!
Killa (guest) - July 24, 2006, 22:27
I think it's a sensor (because at the begining a person picks up a glass without touching the surface, which eliminates the posibility of a presure sensor). It's not ver strong however, becouse it would react to everything arround, and it's dirrected straight up (or down, deppending on where the sensors are), so nothing else would be cought in the sensor. Then the information is sent to a computer that analyses the data (the coordinates of an object picked up by the snensor) and links up objects on the whole table, or objects that are near enough to each other.
fake (guest) - July 25, 2006, 01:09
aaah, it's <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">
.. (guest) - August 2, 2006, 18:34
nah no <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">...
Stiny (guest) - August 18, 2006, 10:53
Heat/Pressure Sensitive Bar, not really interesting to me
(guest) - September 2, 2006, 17:00
Coolest thing on earth.
Camou (guest) - September 16, 2006, 07:21
Why don't you just look at the given URL if you want to know more about it?
Quack (guest) - January 9, 2007, 22:52
It uses an infrared camera above the bar and a projector. This has been done for itneractive floor/wall surfaces many times.
:P (guest) - January 15, 2007, 13:52
:P its cool :P
fake (guest) - January 15, 2007, 13:52
<img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">
daniel is gay (guest) - February 16, 2007, 22:00
who cares daniel your a fag
mantra (guest) - May 5, 2007, 21:43
ver (guest) - May 5, 2007, 21:43
IKnowHow (guest) - August 8, 2007, 00:29
Inex (guest) - September 28, 2007, 14:57
Any idea of how it works? My guess is they put cameras right above the bar, looking down perpendicularly to the bar surface, and sending the videostream to a computer. The default image each camera will send, is a white surface (the bar), and any interfering objects (like a glass) will cause various graphics effects at their respective coordinates. These effects are displayed on LCD screens right under the bar glass. Again, its just a guess, maybe its a motion tracker sensor somewhere, but I guess it would be too sensitive to the bar environment and also more expensive? I dont think its pointless, this bar will attract enough customers to pay for the hardware in notime!
Maybe some sort of Touch-screen, so if you tutch a pixel (or something) then it will light up, but i saw that it did light up when he didnt touch the bar. so maybe not..
Robert (guest) - January 2, 2009, 23:45
We are a technology company specialized in developing new innovations that
incorporate sound, movement and light effects and are mainly used as
marketing tools as they are built to attract the customer's attention.
Our 2007 latest development is a multi-touch table with interactive
projection that can be incorporated in bar tops for example. We worked in
the development of this table with the spirit brands who are using them in
several bars and
clubs in USA, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Norway, Ireland, Hungary and Spain for promotion
by entertaining customers with the visual effects that are possible with
our multi-touch table.
We would like to offer you to have a look at our recent development on
the bottom of this email you will find links to several presentations of
the interactive multitouch tables.
Oswald (guest) - January 5, 2009, 12:57
view Interactive bar tables since 1996
vincent (guest) - March 18, 2011, 13:32
its works with over head projectors and movement sensors im about to fit them in my bar,Bloody expensive but good crowd puller cost upto for 8 projectors
Again, its just a guess, maybe its a motion tracker sensor somewhere, but I guess it would be too sensitive to the bar environment and also more expensive?
I dont think its pointless, this bar will attract enough customers to pay for the hardware in notime!
Any idea of how it works? My guess is they put cameras right above the bar, looking down perpendicularly to the bar surface, and sending the videostream to a computer. The default image each camera will send, is a white surface (the bar), and any interfering objects (like a glass) will cause various graphics effects at their respective coordinates. These effects are displayed on LCD screens right under the bar glass. Again, its just a guess, maybe its a motion tracker sensor somewhere, but I guess it would be too sensitive to the bar environment and also more expensive? I dont think its pointless, this bar will attract enough customers to pay for the hardware in notime!
Maybe some sort of Touch-screen, so if you tutch a pixel (or something) then it will light up, but i saw that it did light up when he didnt touch the bar. so maybe not..
incorporate sound, movement and light effects and are mainly used as
marketing tools as they are built to attract the customer's attention.
Our 2007 latest development is a multi-touch table with interactive
projection that can be incorporated in bar tops for example. We worked in
the development of this table with the spirit brands who are using them in
several bars and
clubs in USA, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Norway, Ireland, Hungary and Spain for promotion
by entertaining customers with the visual effects that are possible with
our multi-touch table.
We would like to offer you to have a look at our recent development on
the bottom of this email you will find links to several presentations of
the interactive multitouch tables.
view Interactive bar tables since 1996