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ASIMO robot running

March 12, 2006


JK (guest)  -  March 13, 2006, 18:14
I hate these japanese persons. Why are they stealing Isac Asimovs name. :(
Zaffa (guest)  -  March 13, 2006, 18:39
who the fuck is isac asimovs
Mooby (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 15:00
better than a barbai doll
Wonko (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 21:29
Isaac Asimov was a science fiction writer. And i guess they stole his name as a tribute to him for inventing the laws of robotics. BTW ut was rather impressive to see a robot run...
Manil (guest)  -  March 26, 2006, 23:40
A few years back they could barely walk. In a few years they will be competing in the olympics.
Nikke (guest)  -  March 29, 2006, 16:36
I think Asimov would be pleased, expect for the fact that US Robotics wheren't involved. Where can I get one?
Norberg (guest)  -  April 2, 2006, 19:03
were gonna laugh hard at this in the future "haha they think its cool when it run"
Yuki (guest)  -  April 6, 2006, 01:19
JK> .. and we hate you
nizz (guest)  -  April 8, 2006, 05:16
Unwiseone (guest)  -  April 13, 2006, 10:28
Homage != Stealing, dumbass.
RAI (guest)  -  April 16, 2006, 07:42
Matt (guest)  -  April 21, 2006, 16:05
It's not really running. Both feet have to leave the ground at the same time for it to be running. It's just walking really fast.
Matt (guest)  -  April 21, 2006, 16:49
It's not really running. Both feet have to leave the ground at the same time for it to be running. It's just walking really fast.
Ed (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 23:44
He's not running, he's speed walking... big deal.
running would have been impressive
Erikas (guest)  -  May 23, 2006, 15:39
Anyway it is cool!
Jack (guest)  -  June 24, 2006, 20:23
Thats someone in a robot suit, who they trying to kid
GARYsurvivor (guest)  -  July 15, 2006, 01:02
I seriously hope that you are joking.
thomas (guest)  -  July 15, 2006, 14:35
more impressive.. that really is impressive,
zack (guest)  -  July 18, 2006, 17:13
man pak chooie unf...
do you have stairs in your house?
guest (guest)  -  July 22, 2006, 13:25
Baš je zakon vidjet robota, mali lik zgleda ko da je živ! Ko da je pravi čovac obuko robot odjelo, ali to nije moguće jer nema tak mršavog čovca koji bi se mogao uvuć u to odjelo...
(guest)  -  July 25, 2006, 00:58
neet, the national geographic add for honda a few years back showed one with a family, oneday the door will be ansewered by a robot.
Killa (guest)  -  July 25, 2006, 21:41
A bit of contemplation... (might be an interesting discusion) Indeed running would be facinating, but take a

close look at the robot. First of all it's legs and the way it stands. It's pose -let's call it that- is as it's

ready to walk or "run" at any momen't. Try to start running from that pose. I believe that the legs wouldn't go straight (as they should when a human is standing) because that would be a gain in flexibility in the cost of durability and strength (which is required as i will state later). Because it doens't have muscles it can't move fast enough as to place his feet under the falling weight, because wen we run we lean a bit forward (not just the uper body, but even the legs are pitched) and so fe "fall" straight wich is running. That leads to the other part. The robot is made out of some rather elastic, strong and light matterial (the outer part or " the shell"). That is so it would weigh less. Even though it's not obvious it seems that it is heavy, wich produces the need to exclude any heavy unimportant matterial. The whole weight is on the inside, the whole procecor and so on. Now about the procecor. Try lifting your pc, and imagine a lot more of them (say 5 to 10 (maybe more), can't say the real number because i do not know the matterial) and you can imagine how much it wheighs (just the procecors and the "shell"). Then there is the matter of the movement. There has to be some kind of "engine" and moving parts which by shifting move the limbs. it consists of many parts, so imgaine all that weight. It must be a few hundred kilograms... Now imagine a man weighing so much running... So in conclusion, fir such a ribit ti run a lot of parts must be made out of very light parts. Btetter yet if the inside would mimic something of a human muscle constructure. And since there are a lot of commands it can do we should looks forward to new procesor technology that will make the tiny chips even tinyer.
fake (guest)  -  July 30, 2006, 18:30
<img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">
Dan (guest)  -  August 11, 2006, 11:58
When you assume, you make an ass of u.

Asimo weighs 54Kg and you can't compare a robot that costs $1 million to a $400 PC. And the "engine" you're talking about is called electric actuators driven by a NiMH-battery.

There's a word in Swedish for your post: ordbajseri, freely translated to wordpooping. Do some reading before you post ignorant shit.
(guest)  -  August 16, 2006, 13:57
he's not running imo, he's just going through his knees a lot... the moment a robot can run by not touching the ground anymore (like humans do while running) I'll be impressed. Not before.
i am a (guest)  -  August 17, 2006, 17:15
I thought it was rather fishy acually, but still, it looked real, and the to the people who think its a kid, look at the hips... it cant be a kid.
doh (guest)  -  September 2, 2006, 09:17
ignorant fucking americans. does isaac asimov sound like an american name to you. no? then stop being racist.
(guest)  -  September 29, 2006, 17:34
The future.
brianne benny (guest)  -  October 11, 2006, 21:45
JK (guest)
I hate these japanese persons. Why are they stealing Isac Asimovs name. :(
Zaffa (guest)
who the fuck is isac asimovs
Mooby (guest)
better than a barbai doll
Wonko (guest)
Isaac Asimov was a science fiction writer. And i guess they stole his name as a tribute to him for inventing the laws of robotics. BTW ut was rather impressive to see a robot run...
Manil (guest)
A few years back they could barely walk. In a few years they will be competing in the olympics.
Nikke (guest)
I think Asimov would be pleased, expect for the fact that US Robotics wheren't involved. Where can I get one?
Norberg (guest)
were gonna laugh hard at this in the future "haha they think its cool when it run"
Yuki (guest)
JK> .. and we hate you
nizz (guest)
Unwiseone (guest)
Homage != Stealing, dumbass.
RAI (guest)
Matt (guest)
It's not really running. Both feet have to leave the ground at the same time for it to be running. It's just walking really fast.
Matt (guest)
It's not really running. Both feet have to leave the ground at the same time for it to be running. It's just walking really fast.
Ed (guest)
He's not running, he's speed walking... big deal. running would have been impressive
Erikas (guest)
Anyway it is cool!
Jack (guest)
Thats someone in a robot suit, who they trying to kid
GARYsurvivor (guest)
I seriously hope that you are joking.
thomas (guest)
more impressive.. that really is impressive,
zack (guest)
man pak chooie unf... do you have stairs in your house?
guest (guest)
Baš je zakon vidjet robota, mali lik zgleda ko da je živ! Ko da je pravi čovac obuko robot odjelo, ali to nije moguće jer nema tak mršavog čovca koji bi se mogao uvuć u to odjelo...
neet, the national geographic add for honda a few years back showed one with a family, oneday the door will be ansewered by a robot.
Killa (guest)
A bit of contemplation... (might be an interesting discusion) Indeed running would be facinating, but take a close look at the robot. First of all it's legs and the way it stands. It's pose -let's call it that- is as it's ready to walk or "run" at any momen't. Try to start running from that pose. I believe that the legs wouldn't go straight (as they should when a human is standing) because that would be a gain in flexibility in the cost of durability and strength (which is required as i will state later). Because it doens't have muscles it can't move fast enough as to place his feet under the falling weight, because wen we run we lean a bit forward (not just the uper body, but even the legs are pitched) and so fe "fall" straight wich is running. That leads to the other part. The robot is made out of some rather elastic, strong and light matterial (the outer part or " the shell"). That is so it would weigh less. Even though it's not obvious it seems that it is heavy, wich produces the need to exclude any heavy unimportant matterial. The whole weight is on the inside, the whole procecor and so on. Now about the procecor. Try lifting your pc, and imagine a lot more of them (say 5 to 10 (maybe more), can't say the real number because i do not know the matterial) and you can imagine how much it wheighs (just the procecors and the "shell"). Then there is the matter of the movement. There has to be some kind of "engine" and moving parts which by shifting move the limbs. it consists of many parts, so imgaine all that weight. It must be a few hundred kilograms... Now imagine a man weighing so much running... So in conclusion, fir such a ribit ti run a lot of parts must be made out of very light parts. Btetter yet if the inside would mimic something of a human muscle constructure. And since there are a lot of commands it can do we should looks forward to new procesor technology that will make the tiny chips even tinyer.
<img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> (guest)

Dan (guest)
Killa: When you assume, you make an ass of u. Asimo weighs 54Kg and you can't compare a robot that costs $1 million to a $400 PC. And the "engine" you're talking about is called electric actuators driven by a NiMH-battery. There's a word in Swedish for your post: ordbajseri, freely translated to wordpooping. Do some reading before you post ignorant shit.
he's not running imo, he's just going through his knees a lot... the moment a robot can run by not touching the ground anymore (like humans do while running) I'll be impressed. Not before.
i am a (guest)
I thought it was rather fishy acually, but still, it looked real, and the to the people who think its a kid, look at the hips... it cant be a kid.
doh (guest)
ignorant fucking americans. does isaac asimov sound like an american name to you. no? then stop being racist.
The future. <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> its all <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> gashan ahmed is in that space outfit! u got 2 be kidding me
Ben (guest)  -  November 9, 2006, 01:06
Doh: Who's being racist? What does an "American" name sound like? Sounds like "Asimov." He was Russian born, and moved to America in 1923. Who's ignorant? You?
anonymous (guest)  -  November 20, 2006, 07:07
the robot does run, it's airborne for 0.08 seconds with each stride
wic (guest)  -  December 29, 2006, 22:31
it's not about running, it's not about speedwalking, it's about timing "motors"
(guest)  -  April 5, 2007, 01:57
ASIMO (アシモ, ashimo?) is a humanoid robot created by Honda Motor Company. Standing at 130 centimeters (4 feet 3 inches) and weighing 54 kilograms (119 lbs.), the robot resembles a small astronaut wearing a backpack and can walk on two feet in a manner resembling human locomotion at up to 6 km/h (3.7 mph). ASIMO was created at Honda's Research & Development Wako Fundamental Technical Research Center in Japan. It is the current model in a line of eleven that began in 1986 with E0.

Officially, the name is an acronym for "Advanced Step in Innovative MObility". Honda's official statements[1] indicate that the robot's name is not an homage to science fiction writer and inventor of the Three Laws of Robotics, Isaac Asimov. In Japanese, the name is pronounced ashimo and, not coincidentally, means "legs also" (from Japanese "è„šã‚‚").

As of 2005, there were 30 ASIMO units in existence.[2] Each one costs less than $1 million to manufacture,[3] and some units are available to be hired out for $166,000 per year.[4]
Xer0 (guest)  -  October 18, 2007, 04:34
guys yes this is real for those that think its a kid are being very pessimistic you know for what weve come up with technology its about tiem we start putting everything to use ust noone wants to share ideas to better others. yes this is real its beein in prototype for a long time.
awakenedone (guest)  -  December 4, 2007, 10:37
very soon these things will be used to control and kill you,they are not build for the better of mankind but for the better of those who control
Daz (guest)  -  February 23, 2010, 03:21

Asimo stands for "Advanced Step in Innovative MObility".
srikanth (guest)  -  January 17, 2011, 14:32
best of luck for launching humanoid robot
nasa (guest)  -  January 17, 2011, 14:33
find robots for agriculture
dgr (guest)  -  January 17, 2011, 14:35
wheighs (just the procecors and the "shell"). Then there is the matter of the movement. There has to be some kind of "engine" and moving parts which by shifting move the limbs. it consists of many parts, so imgaine all that weight. It must be a few hundred kilograms... Now imagine a man weighing so much running... So in conclusion, fir such a ribit ti run a lot of parts must be made out of very light parts. Btetter yet if the inside would mimic something of a human muscle constructure. And since there are a lot of commands it can do we should looks forward to new procesor technology that will make the tiny chips even tinyer. <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> (guest) Dan (guest) Killa: When you assume, you make an ass of u. Asimo weighs 54Kg and you can't compare a robot that costs $1 million to a $400 PC. And the "engine" you're talking about is called electric actuators driven by a NiMH-battery. There's a word in Swedish for your post: ordbajseri, freely translated to wordpooping. Do some reading before you post ignorant shit. Mesingel he's not running imo, he's just going through his knees a lot... the moment a robot can run by not touching the ground anymore (like humans do while running) I'll be impressed. Not before. i am a (guest) I thought it was rather fishy acually, but still, it looked real, and the to the people who think its a kid, look at the hips... it cant be a kid. doh (guest) ignorant fucking americans. does isaac asimov sound like an american name to you. no? then stop being racist. Badeanden90 The future. <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> its all <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> gashan ahmed is in that space outfit! u got 2 be kidding me
Ben (guest) - November 9, 2006, 01:06
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