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Next country to invade

March 7, 2006


smurfen (guest)  -  March 7, 2006, 16:55
Stupid fuckin americans... die
oz (guest)  -  March 7, 2006, 17:03
god save the world from america
alex (guest)  -  March 7, 2006, 19:46
idiots, fuckin idiots! boycott usa!
Ulf (guest)  -  March 7, 2006, 21:08
Calm down people :)
Rolf (guest)  -  March 7, 2006, 21:20
I'll calm down when the Americans are done fucking the wokd in the ass.
RS (guest)  -  March 8, 2006, 07:37
United states - the land of the free and the brave has become the land of the stupid and ignorant. Impeach Bush and investigate 9/11. We all know your government was involved. Sacrificing Americans to start a war...
Fidelito (guest)  -  March 8, 2006, 23:25
We can all see what capitalism does people minds and sanity!!
Swede (guest)  -  March 8, 2006, 23:39
Are they brainwashed?
palestino (guest)  -  March 9, 2006, 01:46
im out of the world from all the ignorance from the states..beace
mio (guest)  -  March 9, 2006, 13:01
not surpriced at all.........
Rostam (guest)  -  March 9, 2006, 23:40
Come on... this one gotta be a joke! I can't believe it... if it's true... well... then USA is the biggest threat to peace in the world! God save us all!
SWE (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 02:33
Por people to be soo dum
anders (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 09:10
It must happen something soon, I dont want those people to make up the world order! Just look at "Jay-walking" in a Jay Leno episode. It's the same thing as this. They don't know shit about anything! Help!
George (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 13:43
Well it isn't the people of US that descide if they go to war or not, it is the government, the people are hidden under terms like "greatest democracy inthe world"
Anders (guest)  -  March 11, 2006, 23:43
c'mon let's attack Legoland!!! ;)
NerMage (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 00:51
who really cares if random retards fdont know anyhting.
c (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 17:43
A video like this could be edited together to make the citizens of any country look like idiots. Just interview a lot of people and pick the ones who give the "right" answers.
Jen (guest)  -  March 17, 2006, 08:37
First I thought, they must have just asked a bunch of hillibillies in the midwest but then I noticed that it looks like the beach walk in Venice Beach!!! I love the U.S but seriously... People, C´mooon. Iran in Australia?!!?
RH (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 01:00
Lol. "What there are countries outside of the US!? Scary! Let's nuke!"
CB (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 03:19
Their brainwashed. And it's not their fault.
EZ (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 16:51
More than 80% of the americans have never left there home state. Only 5% have passports and when asked to point out America on a map... a lot of them will point at Russia... (biggest country in the world)
OMFG! (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 20:19
OMG! what do they learn from in the USA!! Stupid peaple
Swe (guest)  -  March 19, 2006, 04:00
Funny thing, its aired on CNN, CNN is a TVnetwork that supports the bush administration and has a VERY patriotic angle on the news.
why would they air something that makes americans look so stupid ?
Ulf (guest)  -  March 19, 2006, 11:05
No, it aired on CNNNN.
Bigun (guest)  -  March 21, 2006, 23:50
Yep, some stupid people in America...just funny that we American's bust the rest or the world's asses in wealth and prosperity. We can drink our tap water without worry...we can have any drink served with ice...we can buy a fat hummer and fill it with gas for $2.50 a gallon and we can sleep well at night knowing King George is in charge!
oha (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 09:47
i heard it and didn't beleave it that these amercans are so stupid. but now i see what this fucking goverment are using. a lot of pinkies( demokratie equals dictature)
Kuebra (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 10:09
This video shows us how stupid the american generation is. I haven't seen such silly humans... I think they even don't know the place where they live... Sooo stupid....
LMAO (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 23:37
Tzulscha (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 23:50
There are stupid people everywhere.It's just that in America they get better publicity!
Kaiser88 (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 00:39
God my nation really is filled with morons...
rmsharpe (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 02:33
Thank goodness nobody stopped to realize that this is from a joke news site; people might have actually wound up making informed comments about the video.
bill (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 04:39
Believe everything you see on TV? Just goes to show who the ignorant ones are. Some of the posts here are completely idiotic and incredible narrowminded. Do you actually think that all US citizens support the administration? Do you actually think that they are going to air the interviews where the person knew exactly what was going on? Of course not.
Editing makes everything (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 07:25
Could do the exact same thing in every country, enough tries will sure lead to results how you want them.
HillbillyFromAmerica..SoCaliUSA (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 07:36
Only dumbass foreigners believe what they see on T.V.

vitlök (guest)  -  March 25, 2006, 13:57
Kalleanka (guest)  -  March 25, 2006, 20:38
Could do it in every country. Nope. But could do it in almost every country. Its clear americans want and need war.
Inter (guest)  -  March 25, 2006, 21:36
Everyone agree on American stupidity, of course except the Americans, because they never get the question.
VodkaAce (guest)  -  March 27, 2006, 01:02
I love being an American!! :) First off there are dumb people all over the word. The ones in this video are no exception. Some people said Italy, Brazil, Indonesia need to be invaded and Saudi Arabia.. Those people are morons..Also the map that the reporter had was suppose to be a joke, he had australia labled as Iran and Korea was next to it. So it just goes to show how some of those people are. I for one and the majority of the people in the U.S. dont speak for them and are 100% smarter than those people. I would only think that they put the dumb ones into that viseo.
If we need to invade someone soon it needs to be SYria or Iran..Hands down..
God blesss America!
räksallad (guest)  -  March 27, 2006, 17:57
Why do all americans say god bless america?!? do they really belive in god or something like that?!
Max (guest)  -  March 28, 2006, 23:13
Bigun. Thak god you proved my thoughts! All americans are stupid. You can drink the tap water in all of europes countries (Maybe a few exeptions) The gas in europe is much cheaper than in the US.
Ham (guest)  -  March 29, 2006, 04:09
Wow, how sad. I'm from the US, and yes, there are a great many of those people here. Then again, this all explains how Bush got elected again.
(sic) (guest)  -  March 30, 2006, 13:16
Americans are just so moron people...
SWE (guest)  -  March 31, 2006, 21:27
Ofcourse they only took the clips with the dumbest people :P
Art (guest)  -  April 1, 2006, 19:30
Its just fucking ignorant to say Americans are dumb and blah....blah..blah..I mean you can make any country in the world look like an ass if u use the right editing and you interview enough dumbasses. Just get over it. Everyone has an opinion so fuck it.
John (guest)  -  April 1, 2006, 19:38
America is the only super power in the world. Thats why we have all these fucking stupid foreigners putting the USA down...why you ask??? Cuz everyone always wants to knock on the big dog thats why. No onecountry can even come close to competing with us in war....This video might of shown a bit of some of the dumb people in this country..but really the only people commenting are sorry, weak, hating foreigners.
Charlie (guest)  -  April 2, 2006, 02:42
Learn fucking geography ffs
Max (guest)  -  April 2, 2006, 23:11
John, so you mean that you americans are smart people just because US has the world biggest military? I thin the US are the most ignorant country in the world.
Uncle Sam (guest)  -  April 3, 2006, 10:18
im american and i say fuck you all who hate us. Personally i say we should just shut our doors and stop sending our fucking aid to all the poor bastards of the world???? why doesnt the rest of the world donate money like we do to charities?
Unfair (guest) (guest)  -  April 3, 2006, 17:25
This is certainly biased TV. How many did they ask? You can make a joke out of everything. But if this had been Mr. Bush speaking I would have been somewhat worried...
Max (guest)  -  April 4, 2006, 22:45
Uncle sam: In sweden we donate 3% of our hole bnp to charity. in the US the same number is 0.8% so stfu. And all of Europes countries donate more then us. so please dont be so fucking dumb.
king (guest)  -  April 6, 2006, 02:19
lol at america

how about improving education insted of spending all the money on war
brt (guest)  -  April 6, 2006, 04:05
Obviously America isn't the greatest. And I'm at the top of the list of its critics, but I live in one of the stupidest states in the union and have never met anyone as stupid as the people in this video. You're just as ignorant as they are if you make comments like "all American's are stupid." Only 20% of the population voted for Bush, and he has incredibly low ratings.
Kimozabi (guest)  -  April 8, 2006, 23:28
By God, I hope this is <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">...
Calypso Burt (guest)  -  April 9, 2006, 14:50
OMFG how can people be so incredible stupid, what a waste of life!
PiperH (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 20:58
Nobody mentioned the Isle of Wight yet they are secretly amassing stocks of Sandwiches of Mass Destruction
Esmeralda (guest)  -  April 11, 2006, 17:02
Dont make comment like that. The yankee he will think Isla of Wite is YOUR country. He come and bomp you. He come to change you regim
CHS (guest)  -  April 12, 2006, 10:42
the fact that people agree that the US needs to invade another country is reflective of the overall attitude and problem. Why the US feels the need to try to control is beyond me. Don't fret, the US will lose it's status the world power it is within the next 50 years.

And yes, in general, Americans are retarded when it comes to geography outside of their own country.

Sorry, BRT... but 51% actually voted him in.

Hey, people who voted for Kerry can still be a moron. Bush isn't the only reason the country is screwed up, it's goes much deep.
the (guest)  -  April 13, 2006, 01:14
all these people get their information from the tv
Klas (guest)  -  April 14, 2006, 12:33
Well. I dont think that anyone is born dumb. But i think people get stupid because of the television, the patriot style, etc. And why does many people in the US think that the US is the most free country in the world? Maybe because of all the propaganda "Home of the free, Land of the brave" tss… Overall the US has more prisoners than any other western country. And it is really brave to go to war? No i just think that is stupid!
tataoine!! (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 00:54
Dad: Huney, i'm bored!
Mum: Well Daddy, you can always bomb someplace. After all there are so many countries in the world, just choose one!

I can't belive this.... one word fot the americans - garbage
Let's just bomb the world
Don (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 01:23
America is the best! Every other country in the world can get on their knees and blow us. You only survive because we allow it!
Hilarious! (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 10:43
So funny that they don't even know where they countries they want to "invade" is! Hahaha, cracks me up. They also seem to pick on Australia a lot, probably because it's so isolated.
zib (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 22:22
It is a prank. That isn't CNN. If you look closely the station ID is CNNN. Also, the headlines scrolling across the bottom of the screen are made up headlines. These people, do not represent the majority of people in the US. Please do not believe that we all back what the president is doing. Check out his approval ratings sometime.
Kungen av Svealand (guest)  -  April 16, 2006, 02:02
Don, America has a population of 331,473,276 people now compare that to the rest of the world with it´s 6,499,697,060 people, what makes you think that we survive because america allows it?

Haha Ägd!

No (guest)  -  April 16, 2006, 21:22
the only thing were the americans are the best is to hate all the rest of the world.
Without history,no culture that's americans
Aiwass (guest)  -  April 19, 2006, 02:11
Yeah, this is a greaaat discussion. Americans telling everyone to blow them, and 'foreigners' telling them to shut up and start cleaning up the crap at home before starting another war. Has anyone read "1984" by the way? A great way to unite the people is to give them an enemy, like the terrorists right now. Or the French. Or whoever they pick on this week. Can't say that Americans are stupid or anything, cause the only americans I've ever met were very polite and very well educated. But, their leaders are idiots. Like in our country. Or any country. The only difference is that their leaders are official idiots. By the way - Don, "you survive because we allow it" - wheres Usama nowadays? You wouldn't allow him to survive, yet he still lives. And "God" bless France, because if it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be any USA. Thanks for reading.
Sad... (guest)  -  April 19, 2006, 08:47
America has a lot of potential and it will continue to dominate global affairs in the next century. The people just need better Geography skills.
WALTY (guest)  -  April 20, 2006, 16:57
Thick as shit , nobody can take us in a war eh John? vietnam , population 4 million kicked your ass. Only a matter of time before the good old us of a is blown off the face of the earth
Moe (guest)  -  April 25, 2006, 06:45
They not ignorant... just americans
HSX (guest)  -  April 25, 2006, 23:14
LOL,that was a good video,im sure though it was staged,even if not that was a small ammount of people and dosnt count for the whole american population,if the whole american population was that ignorant then it wouldnt be the most efficent,and economically wealth countrys in the world.So lets just educate the ignorant,its just as nieve and ignorant to say that every american is that stupid and lacks that ammount of information.
)()()()( (guest)  -  April 25, 2006, 23:29
HAHA,thats nice ;I hope everyone including foreigers, realize that this is just a parody of the war,to bad for all of the people who thought this was real and didnt take the time to notice it was a joke or anyother users comments.To all those people who actually did think this is real they must be the most narrow minded ,bias,egotesicle brainwashed dumbass's out there.Everyone gets worked up about a damn parody clip.For those who have pestimistic comments should probley be quite and not ruine this halarious joke.
LOL (guest)  -  April 25, 2006, 23:33
"EZ (guest)
More than 80% of the americans have never left there home state. Only 5% have passports and when asked to point out America on a map... a lot of them will point at Russia... (biggest country in the world) " YOU FRICKEN IDOIT DO U THINK THATS TRUE???LOL,WHO OR WHATEVER CAME UP WITH THAT INFO MUST BE TRUELY MORE IGNORANT THAN YOU!!
vector9 (guest)  -  April 25, 2006, 23:42
MOST of you who point fingers and hate each other are ignorant to a stand point,if you havent lived in america you dont know what its like,and americans dont know what its like in many other countrys.We are all alot more efficent if we work togeather and try to understand each other,any ignorace can easly have people assuming the incorrect thing.which Most of you seem to have done.
dhall (guest)  -  April 26, 2006, 19:58
This is a perfect example of why some people need to keep a hand over their mouth. Everywhere there is good and bad. The DEVIL is always busy at work, he has but a short time, using media is short cut for him. Blessed are those with wisdom, knowledge and UNDERSTANDING. PEACE be with us ALL.
UK (guest)  -  April 30, 2006, 08:33
Americans are ignorant and just plain stupid! Someone need to invade Ugly Sucking America, they need to get that they are nobodys! They talk about what a nice country it is, well you are'nt better than the terrorists you stupid focks! VodkaAce and John you retarded whores, defending USA just makes you more ignorant and more focking stupid. John, War is Stupid you ignorant focking pussy! USA is all about hate and war. STUPID I'm telling you all!
UK: Land of the pussies (guest)  -  May 3, 2006, 03:48
Hey now UK, don't dis. We've kicked your ass in several wars and saved your sorry ass in several more. Good thing for you the US was kickin ass in the 40s
Land of the fanatics... (guest)  -  May 3, 2006, 04:16
You do know America was founded by all the religious nuts that England didn't manage to burn at the stake, right?
pete (guest)  -  May 6, 2006, 00:08
geography... we need more funding in geography
us vs uk? (guest)  -  May 12, 2006, 03:22
'Several' being of a number more than two or three but not many? That several?


AFAIK, the USA technically won 2 wars against the UK. You saved them in several more? The USA only chose sides once their wallet was threatened in both World Wars.

So appart from the world wars from which the USA profited immensly, when exactly did America save British arse? Did they assist during the Suez crisis?
Did they side against Argentina during the Falklands war?
Are all Americans nationalistic, fat, stupid, paranoid and violent?
Not all of them, evidently just the clear majority who post comments on the internet and who get interviewed on TV.

I realise that this clip is from an entertainment show, that much is clearly obvious. It is not a scientific study of any kind. However, it does accurately demonstrate the stereotype of the ignorant fat yank. It gives Americans who are apparently (statistically speaking) ignorant, a chance to see how the outside world sees them. In that respect, this is a positive thing.
Medic (guest)  -  May 12, 2006, 10:22
USA sucks.
Yago (guest)  -  May 20, 2006, 01:17
Fuck USA!!
Down with the US!! (guest)  -  May 21, 2006, 21:47
the world was better off when Europe controled it
Cyrus (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 23:09
people, Americans deny this but alot of americans are SO FUCKIN STUPID! you guys don't know shit man... you're being raised by conspiracies n shit.. you treat your own Iraq veterans like they betrayed your dumb asses, while they fought for you ! THE WAR WAS FUCKIN DUMB SHIT IN THA FIRST PLACE.. I see ALOT of american shit on internet, not just tv. and I've came to the conclusion.. that alot (I'm NOT saying all) but alot of american citizens are SUPERFICIAL, DUMB, NAÏVE and think the world is yours because you shit asses have the biggest guns.. HAIL THE NETHERLANDS! (now all dumbass americans think: Legal drugs and uncensored tv! jaay!; dumb shits..)
Cyrus (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 23:09
Btw... you guys believe in god too much.. start thinkin for yoselfs mothafools!
Again (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 23:16
-Yep, some stupid people in America...just funny that we American's bust the rest or the world's asses in wealth and prosperity. We can drink our tap water without worry...we can have any drink served with ice...we can buy a fat hummer and fill it with gas for $2.50 a gallon and we can sleep well at night knowing King George is in charge!-

Funny you said that, that brings another topic up: Americans don't realize how much they're fuckin up the world with their freedom in everything.. you guys CONSUME AND CONSUME but no shit that u dumb fucks think about the consequenses.. yeah indeed! you guys live like gods by fuckin up the world so badly that Already alot of animals are dying and you think technology will 'save us from doom'... that's so dumb.. technology can't match the complexity of nature you dumb american shit ass mothafuckers.. feels good to say this.. too bad the continent is so beautiful.. where did you guys go wrong.. it's such a shame people.. you guys are fuckin Europeans man! you don;t know where france is on the world map, or where korea is... you guys know so little.. damn... it's a shame...
Papyrus (guest)  -  May 28, 2006, 09:05
What can you expect? Stuff a bunch of opportunists on a boat to rattle around a new big playground with 'lots of land and gold' - to which the natives have no right to(naturally). Now compare to the prizon island(which appears to be Iran in the video) where convicts were shipped.. even they are more thame than our previously mentioned opportunists with a National Dream: "to be rich and famous". That's deep.
SNAIL (guest)  -  June 1, 2006, 10:19
dumb americans :)))))
kyle (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 08:04
what kind of idiot would mistake South Korea for Tasmania
GD (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 16:45
You can find dumb people anywhere. I guess we are the greatest superpower in the world because we are dumb. Geesh. Yeah the world was better when Europe was in control. How many did Hitler kill?
hollywood liberal (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 17:10
sorry guys - we really are that dumb. why else would we allow a cabal of neo-fascist oil barons to steal an election (via florida,) invade a country that was no threat to us after being attacked by bush family friends (and let them suspend our civil liberties in the process,) hand california's energy grid to the bastards at enron and medicare over to the pharmaceutical industry? and sadly that's just the beginning - a distraction from the amped-up attack on the planet via refusal to aggressively confront the REAL threat to the u.s. and the world - climate change. i'm an american, but all these ignorant bitches and their cousin-fuckin' creationist brethren have armageddon on the brain and seem determined to make it a reality...
hollywood liberal (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 17:22
sorry guys - we really are that dumb. why else would we allow a cabal of neo-fascist oil barons to steal an election (via florida,) invade a country that was no threat to us after being attacked by bush family friends (and let them suspend our civil liberties in the process,) hand california's energy grid to the bastards at enron and medicare over to the pharmaceutical industry? and sadly that's just the beginning - a distraction from the amped-up attack on the planet via refusal to aggressively confront the REAL threat to the u.s. and the world - climate change. i'm an american, but all these ignorant bitches and their cousin-fuckin' creationist brethren have armageddon on the brain and seem determined to make it a reality...
chad (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 21:00
i like it here in the usa because we have a lot of big boobs!!
chad (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 21:01
I really love big boob's bulging out of skin tight low-cut shirts.. and i love it when girls with long sexy tongues lick theyre lips teasingly..
ifuckswedishchix (guest)  -  June 7, 2006, 04:54
yankee whores have <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> boobs, swedish girls have HUGE REAL TITS
(guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 21:17
even though this video seems <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">d its disturbing. Seems to me that you can find a real grade A moronic idiot everywhere, and beeing how USA has lots of power and population, this might(at some rate) be a real look at how Americans look at the world. We are probably safe though, most of the people in charge of a country are well educated and smart(save Bush and his well selected staff) and wont think at the same level as the people in this clip. Finaly, here is my way of pissing you Americans of. The only reason that you are the most "powerful" nation in the world is beacuse you kept prices down in WW2, sending help only at the most critical moments. Please send your hateful responses to me, its always fun to hear you cry. Also, its not the man with the biggest gun that wins the fight, its the men with the more hate towards you (remember vietnam?). Remember this the next time you try invading a country.
Shadefire (guest)  -  July 6, 2006, 06:59
The U.S is the greatest nation in the world. We do have our group of retards. When if comes to arguing about waring the middle east, I hope Iran fire a fucking nuclear warhead at one of your dumbasses.
sdrawkcab (guest)  -  July 11, 2006, 05:48
Omg these people don't know what they're talking about, and their lack of any geographic knowledge proves it (I'm talking about the people in the video, not the comments, which I haven't bothered to read). But I'm sure they only showed the idiotic people. They must've interviewed a lot more, and I bet most weren't as retarded.
nightdagger (guest)  -  July 13, 2006, 03:45
Let's see. You are speaking English (or at least trying to, your grammar sucks). I'm guessing that's not because England influences business everywhere.

You are probably surfing the interweb on a computer using either an Intel, AMD, or IBM chip. All of those companies were founded in America and that's probably where the chips were invented.

You probably know nothing about America, so please fuck off. We have enough people in America to criticize our leaders for everything they do that isn't 100% perfect. We don't need you.

And don't think about saying that Iraq was America's stupid war. I guess you forgot about the coalition involved. The US had the most troops because we had the most troops out of any nation in the coalition. Did you really think that the US would find 500 SCUDS filled with VX all lined up in a neat row when we invaded? The Iraqis used their brains. They figured that they would keep us from getting support from the UN. So they hid them. They may be found someday in a bunker or just buried in the sand!

Last but not least, as many people have said, if you have a group of people you will have some that are stupid. The US, one country, has a little less than half of the entire population of Europe. Of course we have more dumbasses than a smaller, less populated country.

So I'll just say to you nicely. Mind your own fucking business. I have more things to insult your pricks about than you do. Don't piss me off or I'll invade you (meant as a joke).

Oh, and no, 51% of the population of the US DIDN'T elect Bush. 5 million or so did, which is a little more than voted for Kerry. Out of 300 million. Besides, I'd rather have a strong leader than one who is more of an intellectual but can't decide on anything.

Shadefire, I agree with you. I hope that Iran nukes their asses. But they won't nuke France, because France gave them all they needed for the nukes.
chineseamerican (guest)  -  July 17, 2006, 04:52
Do foreigners honestly believe that the US is made up of dumb-Caucasian-religious nuts? What about all the foreigners who immigrated to the US? Are these stereotypes true for them as well? Personally, I feel lucky and proud that my grandparents wanted a better life for their future generations and escaped to the US when they did because right now I am able to live the "American Dream." If the US is so horrible then why do so many foreigners migrate here and flock to our prestigious colleges and universities? Anywhere you travel you are going to find ignorant people. You shouldn't base your opinion on what you witness on television; especially if you haven't actually been to the US or met any Americans because the majority of people I have met and know are not that oblivious to the rest of the world. It depends on where a person grew up and their background that will influence their knowledge and beliefs; people are free to make their own decisions only so far as their education will allow. And if you believe everything you see on television then that just shows your own ignorance on the subject and that the US isn’t the only country guilty of being full of couch potatoes. Thank You =]
"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one." - John Lennon
Killa (guest)  -  July 25, 2006, 20:04
There are stupid americans. eben america it self is weird. it's supposed to be a country of oportunities, but even that's not true. ~60% of imigrants get sent back and the thers can't get a decent home or a proper job. BTW, i chated with 8 americans trough diferent chats. all of them asked me where i was from. i awnserd that i'm from lithuania and to my surprise 5 of them asked if it's somewhere in south afrika (only 3 knew (maybe guesed) that it's in europe) or other southern regions (not europe). what, don't they teach geography there?
sss (guest)  -  July 27, 2006, 00:21
Another thing, I see that every time an pro-american idiot defends this video, they bring up 1) ammount of soldiers available to kick our asses 2) the size of their country compared to ours 3) language, I can spell as fuckin wrong as I want, you'll still understand! If you don't understand the following, you ARE retards:
America really sucks out loud. Oh yeah, karatekid sucked too... You ruin every nice thing in the world by duplicating it and say it's SUPERMEGABESTAUSUM!!!! (how the hell do you spell "ausum"?)
The hell with it! I don't care if you bomb the fuckin world, if not you guys will ruin it anyway!
And the PATRIOT ACT sucks.. just like something out of a bond movie...
sss (guest)  -  July 27, 2006, 00:22
Another thing, I see that every time an pro-american idiot defends this video, they bring up 1) ammount of soldiers available to kick our asses 2) the size of their country compared to ours 3) language, I can spell as fuckin wrong as I want, you'll still understand! If you don't understand the following, you ARE retards:
America really sucks out loud. Oh yeah, karatekid sucked too... You ruin every nice thing in the world by duplicating it and say it's SUPERMEGABESTAUSUM!!!! (how the hell do you spell "ausum"?)
The hell with it! I don't care if you bomb the fuckin world, if not you guys will ruin it anyway!
And the PATRIOT ACT sucks.. just like something out of a bond movie...
OGrilla (guest)  -  July 27, 2006, 09:34
sss, it's spelled "awesome". Anyway, I'm a very smart American, but that's not saying much. I know where almost every country is on a map and I read up on global politics and crises. What I don't understand is, why does the rest of the world think we're all ignorant, without even knowing us? It's truly ignorant to think of us as being that way. I don't care if anyone else reads this, ever, but I'm pretty sure we're going to maim our planet. Either that, or we'll kill off most species, and then rehabilitate it with our amazing technology[lol @Again(guest)]. The main point is that we really do control the world right now, and no matter how much anyone tries, we can't control the fact that the entire world is in grave danger and that everyone is being ignorant by not seriously trying to persuade the USA or any other large country to change their ways. Sure, there have been many specials and crap, but has any country really pressured ours into changing the way it runs ecologically? No, and noone will. We are all going to kill the planet, and we will ALL be the ones to blame. I'll see a select few of you in heaven.
anonymous (USA) (guest)  -  August 8, 2006, 22:28
A lot of people in this country right now HATE our government. It is mainly the type of American who likes Bush who is depicted in this video.
anonymous (USA) (guest)  -  August 8, 2006, 22:43
A lot of people in this country right now HATE our government. It is mainly the type of American who likes Bush who is depicted in this video.
i am sofa king we tod ed (guest)  -  August 13, 2006, 07:22
Dont sweat it. America will crash
in the next 20 to 30 years.
At that time its citizens will become subject to natural selection again.
It all balances out eventually.
Patriot (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 20:42
Look, we're not all stupid. The real patriots are the guys who protested the war before it started. I think I still have my sign somewhere in my house.
costre (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 12:43
30% of americans dont remember what YEAR the events of "9/11" took place.
I bet you that you could do the same map survey in any fucking country and come up with better results than what you'd get in the US. I bet you Bush couldn't do a better job than those brainwashed mindslaves!
PappyO'Daniel (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 15:28
I'm scared now. Really fucking scared. They could have pointed at any country, they dont know, they dont care and if you ask me, they don't count!
UtopiA (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 21:57
You realize they did video editing and took out all the smart people? They could go to any country and find people just as stupid and crop them all together in one video.
Proud American that CAN find countries on a map (guest)  -  August 26, 2006, 06:22
They don't know where your contries are, just like the idiots in your country can't point to us. Every country has idiots. Out of all of our population, these people don't accurately represent the percent of people who died while I wrote this. Geez. These people don't represent Bush supporters or anyone else for that matter! Their just ignorant and funny for ANY country to watch! The same comments could have been made on the streets of Baghdad if you find an ignorant Iraqi. Everyone has an opinion, and if you televise those who are different from main stream, they are always easy targets. Don't stack your agenda on top of them. Every side of the argument could use them for support. "We should be democrats because the people are idiot" vs "Bush supporters lend blind faith to the crusader." I hope we invade all of your countries and take away your internet and Christmas for good measure.
costre (guest)  -  August 26, 2006, 22:34
all in the name of freedom, right?
(guest)  -  August 27, 2006, 23:45
All you people who say "Americans are stupid hurr hurr" should 1) Learn English and 2) Stereotyping is just plain ignorance. If America is such a horrible place, why are so many people trying to get into it? How many people do you see leaving? Stupid people exist everywhere, not just in America.
hmph (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 22:23
I'm not an american, I'm no friend of generalizing either and those guys represent most of America.

Why in the fucking hell would they want to invade anyone, anyway?

God I'd want to knoc those ignorant fucks out so bad, I bet they'll understand what war stands for after their families get bombed the fuck out of like in 9/11.
hmph (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 22:24
I'm not an american, I'm no friend of generalizing either and those guys represent most of America.

Why in the fucking hell would they want to invade anyone, anyway?

God I'd want to knoc those ignorant fucks out so bad, I bet they'll understand what war stands for after their families get bombed the fuck out of like in 9/11.
4rgis (guest)  -  August 30, 2006, 02:34
idiots ..........
(guest)  -  September 3, 2006, 00:43
"Every country has idiots."

Yeah, but USA has most of them. Get a proper educational system.
LOL (guest)  -  September 6, 2006, 21:58
"I did just notic how big Korea was!" and hes pointing at Australia!
God bless America, and keep them away from the rest of the world.
Not wierd the eastern peoples feels treathened when peoples says "Blow the whole place to glass!"
Mike (guest)  -  September 10, 2006, 06:53
God damn it youve never been here dont judge us on what youve seen. Yes there are some stupid people here, now you know. To Kortioni, we have the best universitys in the world so stfu. The people in this video were going to school before they studied other countries in US schools. So stop looking at 5 stupid americans look at a map and make fools of them selves and come to the conclusion that all americans are stupid.
Mike (guest)  -  September 10, 2006, 06:56
Haha that was funny though, that guy was so stupid.. I can't believe he thought that was korea especially with that being all over the news. You could tell it wasnt <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">d too becasue you could see him scanning around for awhile then finally coming upon it.
Leva (guest)  -  September 11, 2006, 01:32
AHahha rjunimagu, takiii tupie eshe nam chet tam govoryat )))))))))))))) rofl
no one (guest)  -  September 14, 2006, 22:38
the map they use says north korea where austraila is, thats why everyone thought it was korea.
no one (guest)  -  September 14, 2006, 22:38
the map they use says north korea where austraila is, thats why everyone thought it was korea.
no one (guest)  -  September 14, 2006, 22:39
the map they use says north korea where austraila is, thats why everyone thought it was korea.
(guest)  -  September 28, 2006, 21:04
This is sick! Important video!
DrewC (guest)  -  October 5, 2006, 01:42
Do the majority of americans fail geography?
Ksenia (guest)  -  October 8, 2006, 14:05
Kolan (guest)  -  October 8, 2006, 22:14
Honestly - now I'm really afraid of US.
I dont care about their geographical knowledge, but their calm discussions about witch country should be invaded next... we shall pay high price for our permision for US rule over the world.
1488 (guest)  -  October 13, 2006, 01:37
Americans are stupid, that's it.
happy (guest)  -  October 25, 2006, 22:28
wow good thing im here in aus lol ozzy ozzy ozzy
White SeeD (guest)  -  October 30, 2006, 11:36
lol americans are simple stupid..
White SeeD (guest)  -  October 30, 2006, 11:41
lol americans are simple stupid..
brfatal (guest)  -  November 13, 2006, 05:13
You tards realize that for the sake of dramatics they ONLY used the clips of retarded people such as yourself right?
brfatal (guest)  -  November 13, 2006, 05:16
Mr. Canadian (guest)  -  November 17, 2006, 05:20
for all of you trying to defend yourselfs with WWII references how about a breif history lesson shall we? First US didnt save brittan in WWII the united states did not officialy enter world war 2 until 1944 (although before that the us worked on neclear formulas) other nations saved UK such as african colonies ect ect the us helped FRANCE on d-day and droped the nukes on Japan to take them out of the war.
(guest)  -  November 22, 2006, 09:47
Funny how even today people take a gag "news"piece seriously.LMAO!!!Like the POINT is not to try & find the DUMBEST S.O.B's they can find.All this America Bashing just goes to show though that Amercans need to watch their own backs Because a lot of the world just plain Jealous & want to blame all their problems on the U.S.A.Weird how such a hated country & yet Most of the world by far would live here in a heartbeat if they could.Come on Peeps but down all the Judgements & hate speech & lets start seeing more of what we can do to get a long.
TommyNY (guest)  -  December 1, 2006, 22:14
guess what- nobody leaves this country to go home...
ever wonder why? because the place they came from is a shithole...we have 60 million adults and some of them are dumb as your country doesn' is my question to all you arerica haters- why do you all want to come live here? because your country sucks. here's the real raeson you hate us- it isn't that we are wealthy or that we don't value what we have 9which is true0 you hate us because you know you need us- that if we turned our backs on your country you would be speaking fucking chinese or russian in ten seconds...europe can kiss my hitler stopping ass- I gotta go- it's time to dive naked in my pile of money
TommyNY (guest)  -  December 1, 2006, 22:21
Dear Mr. Canadian,

get your facts straight about WWII...many americans lost their lives so the english aren't Germans today...nobody is asking anyone to kiss our ass just get it straight- at the end of the day you all NEED us to save your go back to fucking your sister you american hating canuck...BTW canada is a piece of shit that has done ZERO to contribute to civilization and should forever wear kneepads so it can get down on it's knees to kiss americas ass for protecting them...EH
boojah (guest)  -  December 21, 2006, 00:55
id say 90% of all the statistics in this discussion is wrong... im hoping this falls in the last 10% :P There are alot of stupid ppl in the world, inc people in this tread. The problem isnt the stupid civilians but the fucked up leaders. stop posting rediculous statistics, they are most likely waaaay off anyway. cheers
seti (guest)  -  January 11, 2007, 11:20
wonderful - this video was done by australian tv and is for real - no set up (for all yanks australia is a rather large contry in the southern hemisphere) in oz we love to poke fun at americans but not to their face because they might get upset and start shooting - in fact the whole world placates americans which is why they live in a bubble of there own bollox
a middle eastern living in canada (guest)  -  June 27, 2007, 14:20
ok ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shitt are u serious man ! attack iran from WEST! u dont have any clue wuts west of iran, no u dont even KNOW where iran issss ! ohh god, and all they say is terrorism in middle east and oil and money ... PLEASEE u dont even kno where the middle east is !
(guest)  -  June 30, 2007, 04:27
china graduated 256 new physics doctors and india 345 new engineers in the time that took these 10 american idiots figure out they were actually looking at a map of the world. no wonder you are recurring to being a bullie nation.
Jrod (guest)  -  September 13, 2007, 18:15
This video is fucking stupid and so are the commenters from other countries. It was obviously edited together (no way to see the amount of people questioned) and it was filmed in California where people are liberal and dumb as shit. If you can't figure all that out, then who is stupid? Oh I know, you pricks trashing my country. No wonder the morons they interviewed are gung-ho about invading other countries. All we ever hear you do is talk shit constantly.
Jrod (guest)  -  September 13, 2007, 18:20
TommyNY you are the fuckin MAN! CHEERS
awakenedone (guest)  -  December 4, 2007, 10:33
lmfao not only are these people war mongers they so geographically unaware, ignorant inbreeds, there is a desparate need for euthanasia and eugenics to remove the brainwashed gene from the pool.
VodkaAce (guest)  -  March 25, 2008, 22:34
It's amazing how ignorant and anti- American all you Euros are. Like you don't have any dumb people in your country. we could do this same video in any other country around the world and get the same exact result, especially when they edit the video before releasing it. You hate America because we are the big dog on the block. Your jealous and many of your initial reactions are to just simply make ignorant immature statements about us to make you feel more secure and make whatever country you live in seem more important. Our great county is not going anywhere anytime soon. we are here to stay as a prominent nation and will continue to keep leading the way in all aspects. A big Fuck you to all you Jealous, hate filled Euros!! but don't worry we will be there to save the day again the next time you idiots fuck up Europe again much like the last two times last century.
Carl (guest)  -  April 10, 2008, 01:12
The people of the U.S.A are dumbed down for a reason. It is so that the people who own them (the filthy rich) can use tax payer money for whatever sick twisted end they can conceive of, and the so called government makes it all happen. The people of every country in the world know what America is up to except the Americans.
mohemd (guest)  -  March 18, 2010, 17:11
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