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Origami bird animation

November 20, 2007


Roler (guest)  -  November 20, 2007, 22:21
Nice work!
Jimbo (guest)  -  November 21, 2007, 00:37
Well done man. I like how you processed it.
funny (guest)  -  November 21, 2007, 11:41
funny bird :)
Fake expert! (guest)  -  November 24, 2007, 16:40
Aaah. I pity thee fools. Perhaps the utter idiot wouldn't notice - but I can definitely see that this movie is fake fake fake. First of all, origamis aren't made of paper, they're made of cardboard - completely different. Second of all, the background was added. Hm hm.
Mr. Mister (guest)  -  November 26, 2007, 01:10
wtf is up w/ the music?
Doh Experts... (guest)  -  November 28, 2007, 16:49
disco.hustle  -  November 28, 2007, 18:16
It didn't even look like a freaking bird. The Irish rock was annoyingly repetitive and Irish. I've seen it done numerous times, far faster. Looooong
. (guest)  -  November 30, 2007, 22:33
this was added november 20. look what day it is now. this website is going to die soon
tyler (guest)  -  December 19, 2007, 05:41
wtf was that piece of crap? you gave my kids nightmares you dick head

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